This is YOUR Day!

The next time someone says you are “too” something… say “thank you.”  That person just called out one of your Super Powers.  Those strengths will empower you to live your mission, to achieve your vision, and to answer your calling.  They will fuel your heart’s desires and enable you to change the world for the better!   How do I know?

Imagine if…
Mother Teresa had been “too kind and compassionate.”
Teddy Roosevelt had been “too confident and courageous.”
Gandhi had been “too peaceful and persistent.”
Martin Luther King had been “too passionate and visionary.”
Buddha had been “too calm and centered.”
Jesus had been “too loving and forgiving.”
YOU had been “too much of something” to lean into your strengths and follow your dreams.

Let this be YOUR day…
A day to “own” your Super Powers.
A day to share your strengths.
A day to Show How You SHINE!

© Copyright 2023 Lemke Leadership, Inc., Karen K. Lemke