Game On!

Game On, folks! Last Wednesday, October 4, we celebrated the Fifth Annual Women’s Leadership Conference hosted by Vicki Updike of New Sage Strategies. I was honored to be a speaker at the event, which hosted over 700 people in person at the Resch Center in Green Bay, and over 300 participants online. As I spoke that day, in the shadow of our own goal post at Lambeau Field, I was reminded of the challenges and the successes we have experienced at “the game.” And so I ask you to ponder:
1. What is YOUR game? What is the mission or the “call” you were born to follow? Celebrate all the progress you have already made! (Your record is better than you realize!)
2. Who is on your team? Who are all those wonderful people who have come to your aid (or come to watch the game with your favorite potato chips or beverage)? Who is cheering you on? Who shows up in your tough times and your terrific times? Who picks you up and carries you to the locker room? Who picks you up and carries you to the endzone for the Lambeau Leap? Celebrate them!
3. Who is your coach? Who believes in you even when you doubt yourself? Who sees your magnificence and encourages you to see it, too? Who teaches you the moves and the lessons that help you succeed in your game, and in your life? Celebrate your coaches and mentors! (You have many of them!)
4. What position do YOU play? What position would you still like to play? How do you contribute to the success of your team? Celebrate YOU! Celebrate the spirit you bring to your game. And ENJOY it! The world is full of cheering fans who are waiting for you to emerge from the locker room.
Are you ready! Let’s go! Game ON!