I Have a Dream – Karen’s Corporate Dream

I have a dream… That through my work in Lemke Leadership, I will enrich, encourage and inspire all those I encounter. I have a dream that the world will be a better place, because my business influenced leaders and their associates, and all who they encountered.

I have a dream… That through my coaching work, executives find a safe confidante, with whom they can share their authentic selves… That I help them to find their own truths, and to envision their own inspired dreams… and that they then pursue those dreams in heartfelt ways… and that they ultimately leave a legacy of growth and influence and meaning. I have a dream… That my speaking and teaching and publications provide people with useful tools that are very practical, yet highly impactful. I dream that my work provides mindsets and mechanisms that help leaders to solve problems, provide direction and spark strategic growth and innovation… for themselves and for their stakeholders.

I have a dream… That my work helps leaders to create sustainable organizations and cultures, where employees give willingly and passionately of their hands and hearts, to manifest the goals of the organization… where employees not only have a written mission on the wall, but where they are ON a mission to make meaningful contributions, and to thereby raise their own levels of performance and self-actualization… where they are heard and valued… where their work is challenging and relevant… where they feel a sense of belonging… where co-workers are truly family.

I have a dream… That my work influences leaders to think and behave strategically… to ethically provide products and services that enhance people’s lives… to create new technologies that improve the holistic health and well-being of the community and the planet.

I have a dream… That my work brings a spirit of affirmation and fulfillment to my clients, and to me. I have a dream that clients seek my counsel because they find it essential to creating cultures of hope and promise for the future… for all stakeholders, for all of their families, for all of their neighborhoods, and for generations to come.

© Copyright 2019 Lemke Leadership, Inc.