I Have a Dream!

by Karen K. Lemke

I have a dream… That one day, the world will be a better place, because I was here. That people will have happier, healthier, richer lives… because I touched them, in some meaningful way. That I will enrich, encourage and inspire everyone I meet.

I have a dream… That I will find peace and unconditional love that feeds my soul, while on this earth… and while on the other side.

I have a dream… That my beloved will no longer feel pain, and struggle to sleep. That he will be unencumbered in all movements, and free to be active in all the ways he wishes.

I have a dream… That my beloved and I will live happily ever after. That we will grow old together, enjoying life’s simple pleasures together, and continuing to be grateful for the gift of each other, every day.

I have a dream… That my children will find happiness and fulfillment in their work, their hobbies, their choices in all walks of life. I dream that they will know my unconditional love, as my Father shared unconditional love with me. I have a dream that they will be spared some of the struggles I have known.

I have a dream… That I will one day cast off the shackles of fear and insecurity and anxiety… that I will one day truly understand the blessings bestowed upon me. That I will truly believe I have a charmed life… and then go live it… with passion and gusto and confidence and faith… in myself and my God (the Universe).

I have a dream… That I will one day be like my father in character and in faith. That I will see only the good in all people; and that I will hold an unquestionable, undeniable belief in my purpose here… and hereafter.

I have a dream… That our children and grandchildren will know a community of true love… where they are able to share their talents freely… where there is no concern of war or violence or hatred or evil… where they can understand and practice the art of loving all human kind.

I have a dream… That laughter is heard far more frequently than threats… that acts of terrorism are only a distant memory… that obstacles are overcome through free thinking and fresh alternatives… that wise choices overrule lazy damnation… and love wins over fear every time!

I have a dream… That one day, all of humanity feels heard, and cherished, and valued, and worthy for simply being who we are. And that, because of feeling validated in who we are, we self-actualize. We become even better versions of ourselves, and thereby manifest a better version of living, for all.

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