How to Live a Rich Life

by Karen K. Lemke

1. Believe in yourself, first. Trust your own good judgment.

2. When you hear a siren, say a prayer. Someone needs your help.

3. Don’t go up empty-handed. Bring with you to heaven the fruits of your labors on Earth. Do one thing each day that will transpire into something worth “carrying up.”

4. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

5. Inspire others, through your visions and dreams, to take more meaningful actions.

6. Be an angel for someone. Lift their spirits by listening and laughing. Lighten their burden with your compassion. Heal their heart with the love from yours.

7. Say “thank you” to someone, every day.

8. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

9. Listen with your ears and your heart.

10. Encourage those who are anxious and afraid.

11. Remember that you are not alone. Trust that God is holding you in the palm of His hand.

12. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

13. Use your unique talents to Do Good!

14. Choose faith and believe you are worthy… and this is all working out for the (your) best.

15. Enjoy the journey.

16. Always come from love, in all your interactions.

17. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

18. Go outside. Breathe fresh air. Walk among the trees. Watch sunsets and sunrises, and do anything else that inspires you.

19. Listen… really listen… to the voice within you that calls you to greatness. It’s often only a whisper, but it is a calling, nonetheless.

20. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

21. Do it your way. Dance to your own drummer.

22. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful.

© Copyright 2019 Lemke Leadership, Inc.