A Leadership Benediction

by Karen K. Lemke

First, Leader, KNOW Thyself…

Next, Leader, BE Thyself…

Then, Leader, SHOW Thyself…

Then, Leader, NURTURE Thyself..

And finally, Leader, GROW Thyself.

In practice, this means…

Study yourself and understand yourself… and APPRECIATE yourself.  Really get to know yourself, and become your own best friend.  Get comfortable in your own skin as a person, as a leader… and as a POWER-PACKED human being.

Live and behave according to your VALUES.  Create the cultures and join the cultures that are the right FIT for you.  Don’t “sell out” because it’s easier, or safer, or less confrontational, or lazier.  Do the work of aligning your behaviors with your beliefs, and take a stand for the values you espouse.  ACT according to your values.  Trust your gut.  Listen to your head.  Follow your heart and your dreams.  And at every crossroads, choose the path that is the TRUE path for YOU. 

Learn from the assessments, and the feedback and the fallout from your own “dark side” behaviors.  Know your hot buttons, and use your dimmer switch to adjust how you show up for others.  ACCEPT that you may occasionally display a little too much of a good thing.  And then… Work on your own self-mastery.  ADJUST the behaviors that don’t serve you; but don’t try to chisel them out of you.  Don’t ever diminish yourself.  Instead, learn from your past, and keep learning into your future.  That’s why we’re here!  To learn lessons and to grow our souls.  And remember, as you learn those lessons, that you are WORTHY just as you are.  You don’t have to EARN love.  You are ALREADY LOVED.  It is your birthright.

Have you done your best so far, even if it wasn’t perfect?  Yes!  Then FORGIVE yourself!  And, as Maya Angelou said, “When you know better, do better.”  Take another step, each day, on the upward spiral of knowing better, and doing better.  See THAT as part of your journey.  And choose to GIVE UP PERFECTIONISM!  Choose, instead, to be a multi-faceted, unique, intriguing individual.  Imperfect, yet perfectly worthy.

Know how you are DIFFERENT, and EMBRACE those qualities.  Have you felt like the ugly duckling?  The black sheep?  The misfit?  Maybe… BUT NOT ANYMORE!  Choose to see the qualities that make you UNIQUE or DIFFERENT as the qualities that make you SPECIAL.  These are YOUR GIFTS!   And these can become your STRENGTHS, if you choose to see them through that lens!

Take CARE of yourself.  NURTURE yourself!  Handle yourself with kid gloves.  Show yourself the same understanding, compassion and forgiveness that you would share with a loved one.  You deserve that, too.  Say things to yourself that are AT LEAST as kind as what you would say to others.  Heal the scars on your heart as only you can.  Hang on to your own personal power; Stop giving your power away to people who don’t deserve it or may abuse it.  And surround yourself with others who have YOUR best interests at heart… those people who will pick you up and nudge you forward… those who already see your brilliant potential, and believe in you more than you may believe in yourself.

And finally, EMBRACE who you are… every facet of you… and SHARE your gifts!  Be AUTHENTIC.  Put yourself out there!  SHOW UP!  Stop staying small;  Stop stifling your callings.  Stop worrying about what others might think.  Stop “just going along.” Stop holding back!  Start USING your strengths, repetitively, to grow them, to magnify them, to become even stronger!  Your strengths are your fuel, your energy.  They are your SUPER POWERS!  Dig into them, to GROW into your POTENTIAL!  Let them propel you beyond the ordinary, mundane, shallow ways of living.  Instead… Do MORE of what energizes you.  Do the things that MAKE YOUR HEART SING!  Let yourself SPARKLE!  OWN your strengths, and use them to SHINE brilliantly!  Create your own style; carve out your unique niche.  Travel your own path.  And follow that path, even if occasionally you are walking it alone.  I promise you, if you are true to yourself and your callings, you will not be alone for long.  The world is waiting for you!

So be your authentic self, and summon the COURAGE to SHARE YOURSELF with the rest of the world.  THAT is how you will make a difference.  THAT is how you will truly lead others.  And THAT is how you will leave your legacy!

And now… go lead!  Take on the call to become even more of the awesome, talented, multi-faceted, unique, POWERFUL person and leader you already are.  And change our world for the better!  I can’t wait to see all the SPECTACULAR things you do, next!  Be well, my friends, and go MAKE IT HAPPEN!

© Copyright 2021 Lemke Leadership, Inc.