Yearly Archives: 2024

Break Free and Shine

We never get loved by believing we must EARN love.             We get loved by honoring ourselves. We never get happier by pleasing others.             We get happier by reaching for joy and saying YES to our desires. We never get true worth by acquiring possessions, position or power.             […]

HAPPY New Year!

Would you like to be happier in 2024? Here’s a simple tool that really works: Look for things (every day) that turned out BETTER than you expected! Big things, little things, simple things, easy things… the “clean living” parking spot (as my Dad calls it); the kind person who holds […]

Unfortunate Blessings in 2023

Looking back on 2023, were there things that didn’t go as you had planned/hoped? For sure! And could it be that the results of those “unfortunate events” were actually “blessings” for you? If you faced adversity of any kind this year, I bet you are now stronger, wiser, on a […]