Yearly Archives: 2021

3 Nuggets on the Path

by Karen K. Lemke I was recently asked how I was “making it happen” on my journey in business and life. After pondering that thought-provoking question for a while, I realized there are three key nuggets on my path to making it happen. Perhaps you’ve found these nuggets along your […]

A Leadership Benediction

by Karen K. Lemke First, Leader, KNOW Thyself… Next, Leader, BE Thyself… Then, Leader, SHOW Thyself… Then, Leader, NURTURE Thyself.. And finally, Leader, GROW Thyself. In practice, this means… Study yourself and understand yourself… and APPRECIATE yourself.  Really get to know yourself, and become your own best friend.  Get comfortable […]

Guidelines for Giving Feedback

By Karen K. Lemke Have the recipient’s best interests at heart. Remember, this is “soul work.”  You are taking into your hands the essence of another person.  Treat it with respect and dignity.  Put on your kid gloves. Exercise a coaching philosophy.  Don’t exert power. Practice compassion:  Imagine YOU are […]