By Karen K. Lemke
- Have the recipient’s best interests at heart.
- Remember, this is “soul work.” You are taking into your hands the essence of another person. Treat it with respect and dignity. Put on your kid gloves.
- Exercise a coaching philosophy. Don’t exert power.
- Practice compassion: Imagine YOU are the recipient of these comments. How would you like to receive the feedback? Or imagine your friend or your child is the recipient. Speak/Write as though you are talking to them.
- Know your audience: Toothpick or 2×4; when in doubt, assume toothpick.
- Be sure of the facts. Speak from your personal experience, not what you’ve heard from others.
- Make sure your feedback is focused on important behaviors. (Don’t share chickenshit comments; no personal attacks; no nit picking.)
- Think of your comments as en-couraging or dis-couraging. Choose your words carefully.
- Ask for what you want. Do say Do. Don’t say Don’t.
- Write what you would be willing to sign your name to. Then sign it.
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